Public Meeting Calendar & Feedback
This calendar contains meetings that will be held in the community to discuss Capital Projects that are managed by Recreation and Parks & the Bureau of Engineering. If you have questions or comments, please email us using the button below.

On July 9, 2024, The County Executive and the Department of Recreation and Parks (DRP) hosted a waterside chat to discuss water access opportunities at Homeport Farm Park - a 25.15-acre park featuring a cartop water vessel launch and parking areas. The County Executive and the Director of DRP spoke for around 20 minutes. After the County remarks, the public could present comments for two minutes, and approximately 25-30 people spoke. A summary of all comments, including those received during the July 9th discussion, is posted below.
The County's position for Homeport Farm Park are:
- Water and access to the water are fundamental characteristics of life in Anne Arundel County.
- The County will respect and adhere to the terms of the deed regarding land use.
- Any amenities added to the property would be for the public benefit and use. (There is NO BOATHOUSE)
- The Department was asked to explore the possibility of allowing a junior rowing club with racks and a floating dock at Camp Woodlands to move its equipment to Homeport Farm Park to retain access to the South River.
- The Annapolis Junior Rowers are being viewed under the same lens as any other youth recreational league in the County.
- NO engineering or technical plans for improvements are underway related to this anticipated use.
The Department continues to look for ways to expand residents' opportunities to enjoy the water. The County is exploring expanded use, not eliminating or supplanting use.
The Department of Recreation and Parks requested feedback from the public on water access opportunities at Homeport Farm Park, specifically those permissible by the deed. The deadline for comments was Tuesday, August 13. The Department thanks everyone who provided comments on this matter. All feedback and comments received have been reviewed and are posted below.
July 9 - August 13 Public Comments 2022 Homeport Farm Park Feasibility Study and Memo
Project Locations
Choose a park, trail, or facility below to see the projects that are active at that site.
Bacon Ridge Natural Area
Bay Head Park
Beachwood Park
Broadneck Peninsula Trail
Brooklyn Community Center
Brooklyn Heights Park
Brooklyn Park Complex
Caraker Memorial Plaza-B&A Trail
Carrs Wharf
Deale Community Park
Downs Park
Edgewater Recreation Center
Fort Smallwood Park
Historic Hancock’s Resolution
Historic London Town & Gardens
Hot Sox Field at Wilson Park
Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary
Lake Waterford Park
Mayo Beach Park
Millersville Park
North Arundel Aquatic Center
Odenton Community Park
Odenton Park (GORC)
Peninsula Park
Queenstown Park
Quiet Waters Park
South River Farm Park
South Shore Park
South Shore Trail
Spriggs Farm Park on the Magothy
Tanyard Springs Park
The Preserve at Eisenhower Golf Course
Trail Spurs and Connectors
WB&A Trail
West County Swim Center