Systems of Care
The Anne Arundel County Systems of Care is a multi-tiered approach to providing individualized information and support to connect children, youth, and their families to appropriate resources in the community. Call Systems of Care Monday through Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm.
Call: 1-800-485-0041
Systems of Care is a multi-tiered approach to providing individualized information and support helps connect children, youth and their families to appropriate resources in the community. Our goal is to provide a single point of entry to link families to services and community-based supports.
Call Systems of Care, Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to speak with our Intake Coordinator who can help callers find local resources including mental health services, food, housing, utilities, crisis or emergency services, mentoring, parent training and education, and much, much more. In addition, the Intake Coordinator can screen callers for eligibility related to more intensive needs and refer internally to our Family Stability, Family Navigation and/or Local Care Teams.
Family Navigation
- Deirdre Berry, SOC Director SRBerr99@aacounty.org
- Arianna Rodriguez Moreno, SOC Deputy Director srrodr21@aacounty.org
- Jess Brockman, Intake Manager SRBroc20@aacounty.org
- Shayna Foster, Family Navigator SRFost24@aacounty.org
- Alexandria Garcia-Rodriguez Clay, Family Navigator SRGarc22@aacounty.org
- Natali Landaverde, Bi-Lingual Family Navigator SRLand99@aacounty.org
- Tyelise Long, Family Navigator SRLong23@aacounty.org
- Christina Owens, Family Navigator SROwen20@aacounty.org
- Nicole Ramirez Hernandez, Family Navigator SRRami24@aacounty.org
- Lori Sena, Family Navigator SRSena22@aacounty.org
- Gloria Stefah, Family Navigator SRStef21@aacounty.org
- Bessy Tejada Portillo, Immigration Family Navigator SRTeja24@aacounty.org
Local Care Teams: CRICT, Early Childhood CRICT, BRICKIT, VS Cares
Families with complex or intensive issues can also receive support and assistance through our Community Resource Initiative/Care Teams (CRICT). The Family will complete a simple referral form and be scheduled for a one-hour meeting with team members that can assist their family. At the meeting, team members will help develop an Individualized Action Plan in partnership with the family. After the meeting, the family and our staff (with support from team members) will implement the Action Plan. Our staff will follow up with the family and other involved parties to ensure the family’s needs are met.
The CRICT team serves families with school-aged children (K to 12th grade) while the Early Childhood CRICT team specializes in families with children birth to age five, particularly those with developmental disabilities or delays or special health care needs. BRICKIT serves homeless families, and VS Cares is designed to support victims of domestic violence, human and sex trafficking, and other crimes. Referrals are welcomed from any community agency or organization on behalf of a family, or a family may self-refer.
To make a referral to our CRICT teams, please use the corresponding web-link below:
For questions or more information on any CRICT team, contact our CRICT Teams Coordinator Arianna Rodriguez-Moreno at SRRodr21@aacounty.org or call our Resource Line at 1-800-485-0041 to speak with our Intake Coordinator.