County Executive Pittman's Weekly Letter

“It’s the direct, raw, and sometimes unconventional story the way I want to tell it. It’s my take on what matters each and every week from the fourth floor of the Arundel Center.”  

-- County Executive Steuart Pittman


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Status of horse

Weekly Letter: The Legacy of Anthony Manganaro

Funerals impact me. Especially when the friends and family of the deceased truly share with the audience the person they have lost.

Newsletter Article

Weekly Letter: Family Stories

I’ve had zero influence on my sister’s thinking about education, but her work has influenced me. Now that you know about that one sister, I might as well come clean. There are others. They’ve all influenced me. You see, I was born into a public policy think tank.
Teacher in Classroom

Weekly Letter: Back to School

Our future depends on the next generation solving problems, cooperating with one another across the planet, and confronting these threats. Going from a home environment to a school environment is a first step to get there, into something bigger, into community, into diversity, and into opportunity.