County Executive Pittman's Weekly Letter

“It’s the direct, raw, and sometimes unconventional story the way I want to tell it. It’s my take on what matters each and every week from the fourth floor of the Arundel Center.”  

-- County Executive Steuart Pittman


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Weekly Letter: Competing for Teachers

To compete with our neighboring jurisdictions for next year’s crop of new teaching applicants, Anne Arundel County must offer a competitive starting salary. \

Weekly Letter: Herd Safety and Brave Exploration

We can retreat or we can engage. If we engage, we can do something incredibly empowering for both sides. We can explore, and ask questions. Whenever I’ve managed to explore those who I’ve considered my opponents, I’ve walked away a little wiser and happier. \
group of people

Weekly Letter: Making Places

New friendships, learning, and joy will emerge from this place, only because it was made…The making of places is an ancient human practice that has always been our key to progress. As our world becomes more complex we must not lose our capacity to make places, places where we can thrive in harmony with nature. \
County Exec Pittman with CIT Podcast team

Weekly Letter: Trauma - How Can We Help?

“Doing the hard work of reducing violence, improving mental health, and connecting one another is the task before us. When we fail, the result is trauma, and trauma happens every day, even here in Anne Arundel County, the best place for all. But amidst all the division and chaos I’ve watched and met with people who are moving us forward.” \
Funding our Future

Weekly Letter: Raising Taxes

“Funding Our Future is how we branded the budget, and it’s what we’re doing. I’m damn proud that we’re investing in children, families, our environment, and our essential institutions, and that we’re setting our county up to withstand future economic challenges.” \
Steuart Pittman standing next to horse

Weekly Letter: Standing Up for the Horses

"It's fair to say that Maryland racing is about to undergo some changes, and some big questions need to be answered. If there's only enough money for one track, where should it be? And here's a big question a lot of people are afraid to ask. Is Maryland racing worth saving?" \

Weekly Letter: Learning from the History of the Old Fourth Ward

People’s Park, across from the county’s Arundel Center in Annapolis, is sacred ground. It is where Black Annapolis lived, traded, entertained, and thrived until fifty years ago. That’s when the bulldozers arrived…Knowing history is a powerful antidote to repeating the worst of it, but what happened to the Old Fourth Ward gets repeated over and over again. \

Weekly Letter: Building A Budget

“The Budget Office is trying to put a puzzle together and make it balance. I am trying to create a better future for the people of this county. The budget impacts our people, our politics, and our future budgets.” \
Museum Tour

Weekly Letter: Race, History, and Policing

<p>"I spent the day Friday at the National Museum of African American History and took the same tour, led by the same two historians - Dr. Sharita Jacobs-Thompson and Dr. Bernie Demczuk - that every sworn Anne Arundel County police officer does this year as part of their in-service training.”</p><div> </div>\
Triple AAA Bond Rating from Moody's

Weekly Letter: The Bond Rating Pitch

“And then I get to the part I’m most proud of - fiscal discipline…refusing to use one-time money for recurring expenses, lowering our borrowing for the first time in history by using our fund balance on capital projects, stowing money away in our reserve fund for a rainy day, funding our pension obligations beyond required levels, and taxing both income and property at levels far below those of our neighbors and far below the state cap.” \
Lothian farm in the Rural Legacy Program

Weekly Letter: Agriculture Matters

“It’s happening because people came together across levels of government, across political parties, and even across county lines to deliver for an industry that our future depends on.” \

Weekly Letter: Doing Business

“It’s not businesses versus government or businesses versus their workers. We are as interdependent as an ecosystem, and if we all keep listening to one another, we will all thrive.” \
Turnaround Thursday

Weekly Letter: Three Felons and a Plan

"Housing, job placement, transportation services, mental health services, and other supports exist in our county, but they aren’t easy to navigate. Joshua Hatch, Chris Klein, and our county service providers have a vision for connecting people to all of that and more as they move from incarceration to community." \
weekly letter image

Weekly Letter: Why Nonprofits?

“If we succeed, our County will have a more engaged, better connected, and better served population of people with experience working for the betterment of their communities.” \
Weekly Letter: A Day in the Life

Weekly Letter: A Day in the Life

“I sometimes look back at my schedule on any given day and am thankful. The scope of my job is broad, and its impact significant. Friday was one of those days.” \
OEM Group Photo

Weekly Letter: My Dad Would Approve

We have no way of knowing what life-threatening events will confront our county in the next four years, but visiting our EOC on Friday, seeing their team leading a tour for our residents, and reading their 2022 Annual Report gave me confidence that we are prepared. \

Weekly Letter: Why Our Work Matters

“Before leading a discussion on some of our priorities, I told them why I believe our work matters. Here are a few of the things I said.” \

Weekly Letter: Our Land, Our Parks

“The good news is that our Rec and Parks team builds good stuff, and generally the neighbors appreciate the increase in their property values that comes with a nearby park. But still, we must do better when we propose these parks.” \

Weekly Letter: Lessons Learned

Over the last seven days I have been at both my best and worst for the people of this county, and as a result I’ve been reminded what matters. \

Weekly Letter: This Moment in History

Looking at my schedule over the last week suggests that we have hit the ground sprinting, and that is a good thing. Four years goes fast and we need to finish what we started.<br/>  \