Resolution No. 44-19 to approve "More Anne Arundel!" as Anne Arundel County's Transportation Final Master Plan passed on November 18, 2019.
The Transportation Functional Master Plan (TFMP) integrates 5 component studies and recommends improvements to the County’s transportation network to enhance mobility and accessibility within local and state fiscal constraints.
The goal of the TFMP shall be to Identify * Analyze * Understand the relationship between land use patterns and the mobility and accessibility constraints and opportunities within the County. The document provides of this effort shall be a logical, cohesive and comprehensive assessment of multimodal transportation issues, opportunities and recommendations in Anne Arundel County that can be programmed to the year 2045.
Move Anne Arundel! is the county’s first Transportation Functional Master Plan as per the recommendation in the 2009 General Development Plan.

Countywide Goals and Objectives
Transportation Functional Master Plan (TFMP)
Move Anne Arundel! County Transportation Master Plan (Final Report - December 2019)
- APPENDIX 2: Corridor Profiles
- APPENDIX 3: Plans and Studies Consulted in Preparing Move Anne Arundel!
- Technical Memorandum #1: Summary of Prior Transportation Studies
- Technical Memorandum #2: Developing a Vision, Goals and Performance Measures
- Technical Memorandum #3: Travel Demand Forecast Review
- Technical Memorandum #4: Revenue Forecast
- Technical Memorandum #5: Analysis of Traffic Crashes
- Technical Memorandum #6: Transportation Systems, Management and Operations Strategies
- Technical Memorandum #7: Transit Considerations
- Technical Memorandum #8: Review of Key Corridors
- Technical Memorandum #9: Analysis of Shared-Use Paths
- Technical Memorandum #10: Summary of Technical Scoring Process
Sections of the following studies are included:
- Anne Arundel County Corridor Growth Management Plan
- Major Intersections/Important Facilities Study Report
- Central Maryland Transit Development Plan
- Complete Streets Guidance
- Anne Arundel County Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan: 2013 Plan Update
Recommended Investment Priorities
Countywide Recommended Investment Priorities