Planning Documents
Walk & Roll Anne Arundel! (2023), the recent update to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, is a vision for walking, bicycling, and rolling using a connected network of streets and trails where it’s safer, easier, and more comfortable to get around outside of a vehicle.
The plan builds upon Move Anne Arundel!, the County’s recently adopted transportation master plan, as well as the previous 2003 and 2013 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plans.
- 2023 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan - Walk and Roll Anne Arundel!
- 2013 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
- 2003 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
- Move AnneArundel! Transportation Functional Master Plan (TFMP)
Anne Arundel County has partnered with Anne Arundel County Public Schools to perform a pilot program to teach elementary school age children how to safely bike and walk on roads. To learn more about this pilot program, click here.
3rd Graders at Folger McKinsey Elementary School

Useful Tools
Google Maps can help you identify a bicycle or walking route from your origin to your destination, including bus stops. Just choose "Get Directions" and choose the bicycle or the pedestrian walking icons and Google will give you options. This Level of Traffic Stress map can help identify which roads may be higher or lower levels of comfort to ride a bicycle on.

Looking to take a bike ride and want to find a place to lock your bikes? Rackspotter can help!