Broadneck Trail is Open Dawn to Dusk
Broadneck Penninsula Trail is a planned, paved 10’ wide asphalt trail generally located within the right of way of College Parkway with a mainline length of approximately 8 miles. When complete, the trail will ultimately connect the B&A Trail to Sandy Point State Park with multiple spurs and connections to keys points of interest along the College Parkway corridor and the surrounding area.
In addition to the local transportation and recreation benefits of this project, the Broadneck Trail also has national significance. The American Hiking Society has included the Broadneck Trail in its vision for the American Discovery Trail; a trail that will extend from Point Reyes, California to Cape Henlopen, Delaware. The Broadneck Trail’s ultimate connection to the B&A Trail will also make it part of the East Coast Greenway, another national trail extending from Maine to Florida.
The master plan envisions spurs to multiple points of interest in the area. The trail projects are also designed and constructed in phases.
The Future of Broadneck Peninsula Trail
Learn about the future development of the Broadneck Peninsula Trail.

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