Right of Way Permitting

Homeowners, Utilities, and their contractors may require a Right-of-Way permit to undertake certain repairs and construction. Permits are issued for Driveways and Curb Cuts, Street/Utility Cuts, Test Pits, Access to Pull Wires, Cranes, Oversize Hauling, Street, Alley, or Lane Closures.

System Upgrade

The Right of Way Permitting Portal is offline for a system upgrade. The system will be back online at 7:30 AM on February 10, 2025.

When is a permit required?

Anytime you occupy, use, or engage in any activity in a public right-of-way including:

When is a permit not required?

  • Maintenance activity that makes no material change to the footprint of an existing facility or structure, makes no material change to the surface or sub-surface of a right-of-way, and does not disrupt or impede traffic.
  • Work governed by a permit issued by the Department of Inspections & Permits or governed by a Public Works Agreement.

Prohibited Conduct:

  • Private irrigation systems are not permitted within County rights-of-way.
  • Private fencing is not permitted within County rights-of-way.
  • Private utilities require the grant of an easement prior to occupancy in County rights-of-way.
A sidewalk next to a road


Maintenance Permit 
Maintenance Permit$17
Maintenance Permit Activity$12
Maintenance Permit Emergency Excavation in Paved Area$209


Individual Permit 
Individual Permit Fee$61
Individual Permit Base Inspection Fee$139
Grassy Area (nonpaved) - Bore$70 for every 750 linear ft.
Grassy Area (nonpaved) – Trench$70 for every 500 linear ft.
Road Crossing (Buried)$70 for every road crossing
Longitudinal Bore in Paved Area$70 for every 500 linear ft.
Trenching Paved Area$70 for every 200 linear ft.
Excavations in Paved Area$70 per excavation


Small Wireless Facility 
New Structure$4782

*The fees provided shall increase each July first based on the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) for the previous January.