Report a Concern online via SeeClickFix or by dialing 311
To report a concern relating to County infrastructure/assets, please call 311 or report online via SeeClickFix. Once a concern is reported, SeeClickFix can also be used to check on the status of the inquiry.
Countywide Biological Stream Survey
For over 20 years, Anne Arundel County has been monitoring the health of streams as part of the Countywide Biological Stream Survey. Learn more about this random-sampling program and how the County is analyzing stream ecosystems.

Watershed Walks
The Bureau of Watershed Protection & Restoration hosts seasonal "Watershed Walks" of restored sites, open to the public by RSVP-only. Learn from the experts about how these projects work to improve water quality for Anne Arundel County and enhance riparian habitat for wildlife.
Explore our Resources and Programs
Annual Reports: "A Land of Rivers"
Our annual "Anne Arundel County, A Land of Rivers" report summarizes the watershed protection and restoration actions initiated by the Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works and our partners.
Award-Winning Projects
Explore our award-winning projects and programs, featuring National Association of Counties Achievement Awards, National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Awards, Best Urban BMP of the Bay Awards (BUBBAs), and other regional and national awards!
Watershed Restoration Projects
Access the Interactive Watershed Restoration Desktop Application, learn about award-winning projects, and search for upcoming projects in your area.
Watershed Restoration Grant Program
The Anne Arundel County Watershed Restoration Grant Program annually funds projects that reduce pollutants through the implementation of on-the-ground watershed restoration practices.
Ecological Assessment & Evaluation
Learn about the County’s Biological Monitoring Program, Long-Term Targeted Biomonitoring Program, Non-Tidal Surface Water Monitoring Program, and other special projects.
Education & Outreach
Find learning tools and resources to support residential and community-led water quality improvement efforts. Also, schedule a presentation and/or site visit with the Bureau’s Education & Outreach Coordinator.
Stormwater Infrastructure Management
The Stormwater Infrastructure Program (SIP) manages the inventory, inspection, and maintenance of over 1,200 stormwater management facilities throughout Anne Arundel County, including stormwater drain inlets, culverts, pipes, outfalls, ponds, and other stormwater assets.
Watershed Assessment & Planning
Learn about the regulatory drivers behind our work, including the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and NDPES MS4 Permit. Also find watershed assessments and studies, as well as a suite of maps, apps, and tools for planning your next project!
Watershed Protection & Restoration Fee (WPRF)
Search WPRF by Address, apply for WPRF and Property Tax Credit Incentive Programs, appeal your WPRF, apply for a Financial Hardship Exemption, and learn about WPRF Rate Calculations.