Public Notice signs shall be erected not more than 10 feet from each boundary of the property that abuts a public road and not more than 10 feet from each boundary of the property that abuts a body of water; except when greater distances are required to enhance visibility. If the property does not abut a public road, the signs shall be posted where they can be readily seen by the public.
Please call 410-222-7463 in advance to check to see if a sign is ready prior to coming to the Planning Information Counter for pick up.
Types of Public Notice Signs
- Variance
- Special Exception
- Non-conforming Use
- Rezoning
- Critical Area Reclassification/Declassification
- Sketch Subdivision Growth Allocation Modifications to Stormwater Management Buffer Modification Map Amendment
- 20-year Registered Use
Posting Requirements
- The sign(s) for the Variance and Special Exception shall be posted not less than 14 DAYS PRIOR to the date of the HEARING. The sign(s) must remain posted until the date of the public hearing. FAILURE to post your sign(s) may postpone your HEARING.
- The sign(s) for Nonconforming Uses shall be posted on the property and maintained by the applicant for a period of 14 days after filing an application to register a nonconforming use.
- The sign(s) for Rezoning & Critical Area Reclassifications/Declassification shall be posted not less than 30 DAYS PRIOR to the date of the HEARING. The sign(s) must remain posted until the date of the public hearing. FAILURE to post your sign(s) may postpone your HEARING.
- Within seven (7) working days after an application for Sketch Subdivision plans and applications for Growth Allocation, and Buffer Modification Map Amendments the applicant shall post the property with signs and submit a certification with readable photographic evidence to verify the placements of the signs.
- Signs for Modifications to the Stormwater Management shall be posted at least 30 days prior to the date of the meeting.
Sign Examples
The following are examples of signs and posting specifications:

Signs shall be securely nailed or stapled at 4 evenly spaced locations along the edge of the sign.
Coroplast sign furnished by the Planning Information Counter, Office of Planning & Zoning, 4th floor, 2664 Riva Road, Heritage Office Complex
Replacement Signs
Replacement signs can be purchased from the Planning Information Counter.
- Variance, Special Exception, Rezoning, Critical Area: $35/sign
- Subdivision, Site Development Plan and Mixed Use: $35/sign
- Modification: $35/sign