The Idea - Try a New Resource
The Nonprofit Center is looking for 18 local 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations to help pilot test the Nonprofit Learning Lab (NLL) online training service. Your feedback will help us determine if the Nonprofit Center should continue to invest in this resource.
The NLL offers daily training opportunities, with a live facilitator, on topics such as fundraising, strategic planning, communications, volunteer management, board development and more. They target their programs to executive directors and director-level employees.
The program also offers an extensive resource library, access to their Ask the Expert program, free job board postings, and discounted Grant Station membership.
Take a look at nonprofitlearninglab.org/ to learn more before you decide.
What You’ll Receive
Free All-Access membership for up to two staff members (or volunteers) through December 30, 2025.
What We Request
- Complete two surveys. In general, they will ask:
- which training programs you completed
- if and how often you used other services (job board, library)
- feedback on the service and how it impacted your organization
Surveys are due July 15, 2025 and December 2025, and we will forward them to you at least two weeks in advance.
Notify us if you are not using the service often so we can offer the opportunity to an organization on the waiting list. If a participant leaves your organization, please contact the Nonprofit Center to delete that name and add a replacement.
Abide by the NLL Terms of Service - Membership is not transferable to individuals outside of those listed in membership registration. Do not share member discount codes. Sharing membership codes with additional individuals will result in the termination of membership.
If more than two individuals from your organization access the courses, you will jeopardize access to the program for the 17 other nonprofits that are utilizing and providing feedback on the service.
If you are interested in pilot testing this program, please complete this interest form. The form will stay open until all 18 slots are filled.
We hope that smaller organizations without funds for professional development budgets will take advantage of this opportunity.
Organizations must be located in Anne Arundel County. We will prioritize nonprofits with operating budgets under $1 million that address one or more social determinants of health, and we will notify organizations of their status within a week of submitting the form.
If you have any questions, please contact Mae Binkley at exbink24@aacounty.org.