Anne Arundel County Police SHIELD Network

About the SHIELD Network

The Anne Arundel County Police SHIELD Network is designed to establish partnerships between the Anne Arundel County Police Department and private sector and infrastructure security managers and professionals, as well as educational and faith-based communities. These partnerships are fostered through intelligence sharing, threat briefings and training opportunities through an email notification system.

The AACOPD SHIELD Network is driven by its stakeholders, which include professionals from diverse backgrounds such as security directors, safety and risk managers, community leaders, business executives and owners, educators, faith-based community leaders, non-profit leaders, and others with the responsibility of ensuring the safety and security of their business, organization, and personnel. The key to a successful program as well as safeguarding our communities is to foster a mutual flow of information.

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Who is eligible to join the AACOPD SHIELD Network?

To become a member, an individual should be a:

  • Federal, State, or local government representative or law enforcement agent tasked with counterterrorism, cybersecurity, or emergency preparedness duties, or
  • Private- or public-sector manager tasked with duties related to their organization’s security, emergency management, and business continuity.


How does it work?

Once signed up, members can expect to receive regular emails from AACOPD SHIELD Network. Email communications will generally fall into one of three categories: All Sector Bulletins, Alert Follow-ups, and Sector Specific Bulletins.


Become a Member